Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Terrific 2's-day!

Time once again for my new regularly scheduled blog post where I will entertain you with the antics of my newly 2 year-old daughter! Since last weeks Terrible 2's-day post, things have been pretty good at our place, so today I shall share a Terrific 2's-day post with all of you.

I really LOVE how much Amryn is talking now. She has always had a pretty impressive vocabulary, I mean the child said "pizza" before she ever said "Mama". But just recently her vocabulary and speech have just blossomed! We have full thought processes and nearly full sentences! She can recall and describe something that happened months ago! She can make her needs and wants known, she looked at her Daddy yesterday morning and said "Daddy, yogurt please." So polite too! This is definitely something terrific about having a 2 year-old!


  1. Thanks for following! I'm following back! :)

    I loved when my oldest daughter started talking! The 1st are always so exciting! I can't wait til my youngest who just turned 1 really starts talking but i still get excited when she says something new! :)


  2. Wishing Amryn a belated Happy Birthday! It is great that she & you are sharing Terrific Twos instead of terrible 2's! have a wonderful week:)

  3. She is so smart! Happy Birthday!
    Thank you for following me, following you back!
