Thursday, April 2, 2009

Money crisis averted.

So my hubby sends me an email last night from work, saying that he checked on how much his paycheck is going to be on Friday, and for some reason he was only getting paid for 1 week. (Meaning he wasn't getting paid for 40 hours and nearly 10 hours of OT) "Sure, sure" I said "April Fools!" and he kept writing back saying "No, really. No joke." When I finally saw the print out myself I realized "Holy Crap! He's right!" Yeeeeahh big problem, the amount that he will be paid is less than 1/2 the rent that we need to pay on Friday (I have 1/2 the rent already in savings, we take 1/2 out of each check). Luckily we actually have money in our savings account that we were saving for Amryn's birthday party later this month. So rent is covered but that won't leave much to live on or to pay the other bills with.

Hubby got to work today and called HR and they were like, well we will just add that to your next direct deposit. Okay really, who can do without half the pay check for 2 more weeks? Hello, people have bills to pay! It isn't like it would be hard to deposit it, THEY ARE THE BANK! (Hubby works in home equity collections for one of the major banks.) Well, hubby explained to them that we NEED that money, and they said that he would have it by Monday. We aren't sure if this is going to be in the form of a check or a direct deposit, but atleast we won't have to wait 2 more weeks!!!

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